SEBASTIAN BACH Responds To FRAMESHIFT Mastermind's Songwriting Challenge

June 4, 2005

Former SKID ROW frontman Sebastian Bach has responded to a challenge by Henning Pauly, the mastermind behind the FRAMESHIFT progressive rock project, to spend two days in the studio writing and producing a new song that musicially similar to FRAMESHIFT's "Absence of Empathy" album, on which Bach claims he wasn't properly credited for his contributions (see previous BLABBERMOUTH.NET stories: Story#1, Story#2).

Writing to his official message board, Pauly recently said, "Baz's board and the moderator... He is trying to screw us [by providing links to for people to purchase the new FRAMESHIFT CD]. That's it. He knows we are making less money on Amazon and since he has a referral account he gets paid by them for every sale. It is a very clear vicious attempt to screw us and at the same time make more money himself...there is NO other way to see this and anyone saying anything else is just lying.

"Let's put it this way: We have just gotten in the KILLER [FRAMSHIFT 2] posters...those things are big and awesome and the pic is soooooo sweet.
We'll start selling them soon and we also will have the first 250 of them autographed by myself. Try to put that bit of news on Baz's board. He does not make any money on it. We hade them and there is nothing in the contract in any way, shape or form about royalties on merchandising. Sebastian signed the contract, he KNEW what he was getting into.

"Oh's an idea Matt [Cash, Pauly's songwriting collaborator] and I had: If Baz made this CD soooo good with his writing skill and all the stuff he contributed then how about a little contest? Two days in the studio...he can have his whole band present to write and produce and record ONE song. Matt and I will also go in the studio together...for two days. Nothing can be written beforehand, everything has to be conceived right there in these two days.

"Who will come out of the studio with a song that gets close to the music on 'Absence of Empathy'? Whose lyrics will have the metaphors and depth and wordplay that Matt can write?

"If Baz really did on the CD what he said he did and if he really deserved the co-writes, then he should be able to do something comparable with the help of a whole band.

"How about it? Baz and band writing contest against Matt and myself?

"WHO would come up with the song that's closer to 'Absence of Empathy'? WHO would come up with the cooler song? WHO would come up with a song AT ALL?

"Is he up for it? I am. Matt is."

Writing to his official message board, Sebastian Bach had the following response to Henning's challenge:

"#1: The reason I link to is for one reason & one reason only: I TRUST Amazon. I do NOT TRUST you. Because YOU are a LIAR and you know it. You know in your heart I had final approval on the final mix in the contract and you have to go to bed every night knowing that you are a LIAR and are in BREACH OF CONTRACT by putting the CD out without my approval.

"Oh yeah, the staple in the face? Nice touch, asshole.

"Amazon cannot FUCK me like you do every chance you get. Except for when I am in the room, standing next to you! Funny how that works, how tough you pretend to be when you are 2000 miles away from me.

"About the posters? This might come as a shock to you, but I really don't see an overwhelming demand for 'Henning Pauly' autographs, bigshot. Plus after people read what a complete dick you are in this post I somehow don't forsee you 'endearing' yourself to the rock world at large.

"I ask you, rockers of the world, would you buy a Sebastian Bach poster from this guy?

"#2: I will meet you and Matt anytime, anywhere. Would LOVE to see you again in person. Come on out from behind the computer. Sure, I will be glad to bring my band. First, we can see who rocks the hardest, my band or 'you and Matt.'

"Name the place and time , dickhead. If you can tear yourself away from your video games and your computer for more than five seconds. After we see who 'comes up with a cooler song' we can do other things too that I get to pick. You up for that, chickenshit?

"We WILL meet again, in person, someday, whether you like it or not. I look forward to that day. Do you?"

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